Core Training Methods

02-04-17 12:00 PM By DeLisa Lee

Core Training Methods

There are 3 core training methods to introduce your dog to a new behavior.

LuringUsing food to move your dog toward the desired behavior.
ShapingRewarding your dog for close approximations to the desired behavior.
CapturingRewarding your dog for a naturally occurring, observable, behavior.

The Acquisition Phase

There are 4 phases of learning. In Phase 1 [Acquisition], you will introduce your dog to a new behavior. There are 4 learning levels in phase 1; Get the Behavior, Hand Signal, Verbal Command, and Fade the Lure.

Training methods sometimes overlap with each other. And since most behaviors can be taught using more than one method, it's good to know how to use all 3 methods. That way, if one method isn't working, you can switch to another one.


LURING means you are using an object to guide your dog to move into a position. The lure is usually food, however, if your dog is toy motivated, the lure can be a toy. LURING is a great method for teaching behaviors that involve movement.

Pros and Cons

  • Fosters a good bond between dog and trainer
  • Dogs catch on quickly
  • It's reliable, if the lure is faded correctly
  • It's easy for beginner trainers
  • Your dog can become overly focused on food if you don't fade the lure correctly
  • Does not teach your dog to troubleshoot or problem solve


  • SIT
  • DOWN
  • SPIN

See It In Action

Behavior WEAVE
Phase 1 [Acquisition]

Level 2 [Hand Signal]


SHAPING is rewarding your dog for close, successive approximations to the desired behavior until he achieves the full behavior. When you shape a behavior, your dog has to figure it out.

There are two types of SHAPING; free and guided. If you are FREE SHAPING, you can not give your dog any hints to help him figure it out. You can't say anything and you can't use any body language or props. It's not as difficult as it sounds if your dog has learned how to learn and is willing to experiment with you. If you are using the GUIDED SHAPING method, you can use your body language or props to give small hints to your dog.

Pros and Cons

  • Great for complex behaviors
  • Teaches your dog to troubleshoot and problem solve
  • Builds your dog's confidence
  • Results in very reliable behaviors
  • Requires your patience while you let your dog figure it out
  • Your dog must be willing to experiment and try new things


  • Sit nicely for petting
  • Greet animals and people calmly
  • Sit calmly for leash
  • Walk into vest
  • Put nose in muzzle
  • HEEL (no pulling on the leash)
  •  Refrain from chasing the broom, mop, or vacuum cleaner
  • Stop barking
  • Roll a water bottle on the floor
  • Step into a cardboard box
  • Open a picnic basket

See It In Action

Behavior See Max press the That Was Easy button (a behavior he learned in 3 days)
Phase 1 [Acquisition]

Level 3 [Verbal Command]


CAPTURING is when you reward your dog for a naturally occurring behavior. When your dog performs a naturally occurring behavior you want to put on command, you mark the behavior and deliver a reward.

Pros and Cons

  • Easy for beginners
  • Improves your timing
  • Improves your observation skills
  • Limited to naturally occurring behaviors
  • You have to be looking at your dog to see him do it


  • Yawning
  • Stretching
  • Dog chasing his tail
  • Potty

See It In Action

Behavior See Max offer yawns
Phase 1 [Acquisition]

Level 1 [Get the Behavior]


TARGETING isn't a training method as much as it is a type of behavior. When you train your dog to target, you're training him to touch a specific body part to a specific object. Like when you offer your dog your upraised palm and he puts his paw in your hand, that's TARGETING. Other examples of TARGETING include behaviors like turning on a light switch, or pressing the Open Door switch/button, getting a beer from the refrigerator, or ringing a bell to let you know he wants to go outside. You can teach your dog to TARGET using the LURING or SHAPING methods.

Pros and Cons

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See It In Action

Behavior See Liberty touch her nose to a target stick for the first time
Phase 1 [Acquisition]

Level 1 [Get the Behavior]